123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Marrache
LR: 2816
An Act To Prevent the Closing of Store Road in Somerset County
LR: 2817
Resolve, To Review the Maine Juvenile Code for Effectiveness Concerning Penalties
LR: 2818
An Act To Prevent Minors from Accessing Mature Videos
LR: 2895
Resolve, To Require that the Department of Economic and Community Development Establish an
Independent Review Board
LR: 3356
An Act To Clarify Procedures within the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for Transgendered Individuals
Sponsor: Senator Martin
LR: 2832
An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Agricultural Marketing and Bargaining
LR: 2833
An Act To Create the Public Power Delivery System
LR: 2910
An Act To Amend Certain Definitions Concerning the Potato Industry
LR: 2933
An Act Pertaining to Labor Relations
LR: 2934
An Act To Amend the Provisions for All-terrain Vehicles
LR: 3063
Resolve, Directing the Secretary of State To Consolidate the Cultural Agencies To Promote Accountability
and Citizen-centered Delivery of Services
LR: 3215
An Act Relating to the Office of Substance Abuse
LR: 3228
An Act To Require a Waiting Period from the Close of Divorce Mediation before a Valid Mediation
Agreement Is Signed
LR: 3229
An Act To Exempt Certain Facilities from Life Safety Code Sprinkler Requirements
LR: 3274
An Act To Extend the Deadline for Applications for Costs Associated with the Remediation of a Waste Oil
Site in Plymouth
LR: 3364
An Act To Protect Electricity Consumers of Northern Maine
Sponsor: Representative Mazurek
LR: 2759
Resolve, To Direct the Department of Transportation To Do a Feasibility Study To Provide a 2nd Story to
the Parking Lot at the State Ferry Terminal in Rockland
LR: 2777
An Act To Tax Only the Interest Received on Annuities
LR: 2805
An Act Relating to Insurance Coverage for Colorectal Cancer Early Detection
Sponsor: Senator McCormick
LR: 3017
An Act To Eliminate the Sheltering of Values in State Valuation Associated with Tax Increment Financing
Sponsor: Representative McDonough
LR: 2774
An Act To Compute Automobile and Boat Excise Tax Based on the Actual Purchase Price
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