123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative MacDonald
LR: 2776
An Act To Exempt Certain Municipalities from the Minimum Revenue Contributions to Education Costs
LR: 2800
An Act To Eliminate the Requirement That a Community Raise 2 Mills for Education Purposes
LR: 2950
An Act To Adjust Property Valuations in Consolidated School Districts To Achieve Parity
LR: 2958
An Act To Require the State To Reimburse a Municipality That Incurs Increased Education Costs Solely
Due to School Administrative Consolidation
LR: 3033
An Act To Require Capture and Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from New Coal-powered
Industrial Facilities in the State
Sponsor: Representative Makas
LR: 2748
An Act To Define the Need To Vote Again on Referendum Questions
LR: 2749
An Act To Bring Insurance Reimbursement Rates Up-to-date for Screening and Treating Newborns and
Preschool Children for Hearing Loss for MaineCare
LR: 2750
An Act To Require Correct Labeling of Out-of-state Bypass Waste
LR: 2751
An Act To Return a Percentage of Speeding Ticket Money to the Municipality
LR: 2765
An Act To Control the Costs of College Textbooks
LR: 2867
An Act To Provide Education on Internet Safety
LR: 2941
An Act To Include Occupational Therapists in the Educators for Maine Program
LR: 3287
An Act To Protect School Children from Dangerous or Abusive Restraint and Seclusion
Sponsor: Representative Marley
LR: 2770
An Act To Repeal the Annual Indexing of the Fuel Tax
LR: 2771
An Act To Amend the Family Medical Leave Laws To Include Siblings
LR: 2773
Resolve, Directing the Department of Transportation To Study the Corrosive Effects of Chemicals Used
by the Department in Inclement Weather
LR: 2790
An Act To Establish a Credit To Offset the Harbor Maintenance Tax
LR: 2879
Resolve, To Study the Effect of Changes in Retirement Benefits on Teachers
LR: 2918
An Act To Meet the Growing Need for Special Education Teachers
LR: 3096
Resolve, To Study a Road User Fee
LR: 3209
An Act To Allow Congestion Pricing by the Maine Turnpike Authority
LR: 3210
An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Passenger Rail Funding
LR: 3211
An Act To Modernize Fuel Tax Revenue Mechanisms
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