123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Mills, J.
LR: 3178
An Act To Require Registration of Persons Lobbying the Office of the Attorney General
LR: 3179
An Act Regarding the Transfer Between Jails of Pretrial Detainees
LR: 3180
An Act To Clarify the Definition of "Dumpster" as Used in the Maine Tort Claims Act
LR: 3276
An Act To Require Inspections of Automobiles Licensed as Antiques
LR: 3278
An Act To Allow Nondangerous Drivers To Obtain a Work-restricted License
LR: 3373
An Act To Allow Pregnant Minors To Obtain Prenatal Care
LR: 3374
An Act To Prohibit the Use of Maine Clean Election Fund Money for Payment to Family Members
LR: 3378
An Act To Avoid the Expense of Unnecessary Medical Facility Inspections
Sponsor: Senator Mills, P.
LR: 3062
An Act To Facilitate the Formation of the Northwest Maine Regional School Unit
LR: 3360
An Act To Authorize the Department of Transportation To Recover for the Highway Fund Any Money
Recovered from Those Responsible for Doing Damage to State Roads and Bridges
LR: 3361
An Act To Authorize Low-stakes Cribbage Games at Charitable and Fraternal Organizations
LR: 3362
An Act To Raise the Per Diem Rate for Members of the Board of Environmental Protection and the Maine
Land Use Regulation Commission
LR: 3363
Resolve, To Establish a Statewide Protocol for the Early Detection and Treatment of Autism
Sponsor: Representative Miramant
LR: 2738
An Act To Ban the Use of Liquid Calcium on Roads
LR: 2739
An Act To Require That a Person Who Testifies before a Committee Must Be Sworn In
LR: 2815
An Act To Provide Equity in Reimbursement for Health Care Services
LR: 3009
An Act To Ensure That the Requirement of Airport Manager Training Does Not Affect the Issuance of an
Annual Registration Certificate until January 1, 2009
LR: 3010
An Act To Allow a Municipality To Withdraw from a School Administrative Unit
LR: 3011
An Act To Allow Multiple Board Representation from Smaller Towns within Regional School Units
LR: 3012
An Act To Lessen the Penalties That a District Would Incur if It Does Not Join a School Administrative
LR: 3013
An Act To Ensure Support of a Minimum Special Education Subsidy
LR: 3014
An Act To Compensate Towns for Financial Losses due to School Administrative Consolidation
LR: 3015
An Act To Allow for Alternative Cost-sharing Options in a New School Administrative Unit
LR: 3232
An Act To Clarify Recent Changes to the Law Concerning Payments for Business or Farm Displacements
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