123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Mitchell
LR: 2829
An Act To Fully Fund School Breakfast from Kindergarten to Grade 12
LR: 2904
An Act To Provide Accessible Higher Education Assistance for Maine Families
LR: 2928
An Act To Clarify Term Limits for Members of the State Board of Education
LR: 3003
An Act To Create the York County Regional Development Authority
LR: 3110
An Act To Facilitate the Process of Consolidation of School Administrative Units
LR: 3146
An Act Regarding the Life Safety Code for Existing Places of Assembly
LR: 3320
An Act To Advance the Maine Economy
Sponsor: Representative Moore, G.
LR: 2975
An Act To Exempt Commercial Logging Equipment from the State Sales Tax
Sponsor: Senator Nass, R.
LR: 2839
An Act To Require That Persons Who Perform Engineering Work in Commercial Buildings Be Licensed
LR: 2963
An Act To Establish Limited Liability for Landowners for Owners of Noncommercial Airstrips
LR: 3092
An Act Relating to Access on Private Roads
LR: 3142
An Act To Amend the School Funding Formula To Facilitate School District Consolidation
Sponsor: Representative Norton
LR: 3198
An Act To Provide Postsecondary Institutions with More Authority To Protect Higher Education
Personnel from Internet and Technology-based Defamation
LR: 3199
An Act To Require Bereavement Leave in the Event of Miscarriage or Death of a Fetus
Sponsor: Senator Nutting, J.
LR: 3151
An Act To Prohibit Bicyclists from Passing Stopped School Buses
LR: 3202
An Act To Clarify the Qualifications of Mental Health Examiners
Sponsor: Representative Patrick
LR: 3253
An Act Regarding International Trade Agreements
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