123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Rotundo
LR: 3111
An Act To Adjust the Valuation Calculation Used in Determining Local Share of State Education Funding
LR: 3256
An Act To Simplify the Transfer of Retirement Funds
Sponsor: Representative Samson
LR: 3298
An Act To Encourage the Transition from Welfare to Work
Sponsor: Representative Savage, D.
LR: 3053
An Act To Adjust the Excise Tax on Motor Vehicles
LR: 3054
An Act To Create a Sales-tax-free Weekend
LR: 3055
An Act To Require the Purchaser To Pay All Property Taxes
LR: 3306
An Act To Require Insurance Carriers To Pay a Minimum Amount for Emergency Treatment
LR: 3311
Resolve, To More Clearly Define Vernal Pools and What the Best Distances Are for Protection
Sponsor: Representative Saviello
LR: 3006
An Act To Reduce the Budget of the Department of Education To Reflect the Consolidation of School
Administrative Units
LR: 3007
An Act To Ensure Continued Access to and Maintenance of Rest Areas on Maine Highways
LR: 3008
Resolve, Directing the Department of Health and Human Services To Adopt Rules Governing the Use of
Lakes by Licensed Child Care Facilities
LR: 3175
An Act To Create Equitable Flexible Cost-sharing Formulas for the Formation and Support of Regional
School Units
Sponsor: Representative Schatz
LR: 2796
An Act To Repeal the Consolidation of School Administrative Units Law
LR: 2797
An Act To Extend the Deadline for School Administrative Unit Consolidation
LR: 2798
An Act To Remove Penalties from the School Administrative Unit Consolidation Law
LR: 2850
An Act To Allow Law Enforcement Agencies To Use Devices That Record a Vehicle's Speed and License
Plate Number in Order To Reduce Speeding
LR: 2851
An Act To Allow Regional School Units To Be Organized as School Unions
LR: 2979
An Act To Allow a Regional School Unit with More than One Secondary School To Charge Different
Tuition Rates
LR: 3087
An Act To Eliminate the Use of Calcium Chloride on Roads
LR: 3204
An Act To Repeal the Premium Imposed on Motor Vehicle Oil Changes
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