123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Raye
LR: 2943
An Act To Allow a Municipality To Withdraw from a School Administrative Unit in Order To Join a
Regional School Unit
LR: 3042
Resolve, To Rename the Milbridge Bridge the "Harold West Bridge"
LR: 3057
An Act To Give Municipalities Control of Mussels Located in Intertidal Zones
LR: 3112
An Act To Address Taxation of Severance Pay
LR: 3129
An Act To Create the Starboard Water District
LR: 3205
An Act To Provide for the Construction of a Warehouse in Eastport
Sponsor: Representative Rector
LR: 2735
An Act Regarding the Sentencing of Certain Persons Convicted of Gross Sexual Assault against Victims
under 12 Years of Age
LR: 3331
An Act To Allow the Department of Education To Select a School Unit To Be a Model for School
Administrative Consolidation
Sponsor: Representative Richardson, W.
LR: 2791
An Act To Ensure Liability Coverage for Day Care Centers
LR: 2792
Resolve, To Establish a Reporting Method of the Statistics of Diseases
Sponsor: Representative Robinson
LR: 3123
An Act To Ensure Safe Sound Levels on Motorcycles
LR: 3124
An Act To Ensure Digital Telephone Access in Rural Areas
LR: 3155
An Act To Promote Sustainable Prosperity by Streamlining and Modernizing State Government
Sponsor: Representative Rosen, K.
LR: 2783
An Act To Exempt General Merchandise from Sales Tax for One Week in August
Sponsor: Senator Rosen, R.
LR: 2897
An Act To Amend the Lucerne-in-Maine Village Corporation Charter
LR: 2967
An Act To Enhance Flexibility for the Employment of Personnel in Regional School Units
LR: 3041
An Act To Exempt Host Municipalities from Financial Obligations as a Result of Offering Secondary
School Choice within Regional School Units
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