123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Crockett
LR: 2893
An Act To Establish the Crime of Negligent Motor Vehicle Homicide
LR: 2917
An Act To Prohibit Hospitals from Charging for Treatment To Correct Medical Mistakes
LR: 2952
An Act To Better Coordinate and Reduce the Cost of the Delivery of State and County Correctional
LR: 2953
An Act To Allow Day Care Facilities To Charge in Advance for a Maximum of 2 Weeks
LR: 2954
An Act To Provide Age-appropriate Instruction in Protection against and Awareness of Sexual Predators to
LR: 2968
An Act To Increase the State Subsidy for Adult Education within the Department of Education
LR: 2969
An Act To Protect Maine Contractors
Sponsor: Speaker Cummings
LR: 2843
An Act To Ensure Family Child Care Providers the Freedom To Jointly Negotiate with the State
LR: 2853
An Act To Promote Transparency and Accountability in Campaigns and Governmental Ethics
LR: 2889
Resolve, Directing the Bureau of Financial Institutions To Study the Impact of Identity Theft and Data
Security Breaches in the State
LR: 2890
An Act To Improve the Health of Maine Communities and Reduce Emergency Care Burdens
LR: 2939
An Act To Protect Home Ownership and Prevent Foreclosures
LR: 2940
An Act To Prevent Home Foreclosures and Provide Consumer Assistance
LR: 2942
An Act To Improve the Elections Process under the Maine Labor Relations Board Laws
LR: 3102
An Act To Inform Consumers of, and Protect Children from, Hazardous Lead-based Paint
LR: 3189
An Act To Promote the Production of Wine in Maine
LR: 3332
An Act To Authorize the City of Portland To Lease Submerged Lands for Longer than 30 Years
LR: 3380
An Act To Ensure Affordable Health Care for Maine Citizens
Sponsor: Senator Damon
LR: 2888
An Act Regarding Axle Weight on Tri-axle Farm Trucks
LR: 3214
An Act To Preserve the Cobscook Bay Scallop Fishery
LR: 3230
An Act To Amend the Animal Welfare Laws Pertaining to Breeding Kennels
LR: 3243
An Act To Restore Diadromous Fish in the St. Croix River
LR: 3263
An Act To Make Marine Resources Management More Responsive
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