123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Diamond
LR: 3231
An Act To Ensure Access to Necessary Health Care Services in Maine
Sponsor: Representative Dill
LR: 3281
An Act To Prohibit Discrimination Based on Familial Status and Responsibilities
LR: 3283
An Act To Create a Judicial Cascade Account
LR: 3286
An Act To Minimize Power Outages in Future Development
LR: 3288
An Act To Improve the Services of Charitable Organizations by Providing a Sales Tax Exemption
LR: 3292
An Act To Improve the Safety of Passengers in Wheelchairs on Public Transportation
Sponsor: Senator Dow
LR: 3241
An Act To Include the Town of Nobleboro within the Service Area of the Great Salt Bay Sanitary District
Sponsor: Representative Driscoll
LR: 2769
An Act To Allow Online Registration of Watercraft
Sponsor: Representative Duchesne
LR: 3279
An Act To Reestablish Fairness in Corporate Taxation
LR: 3334
An Act To Clarify Jurisdiction over Solid Waste Facilities Involved in Large-scale Composting Operations
Sponsor: Representative Duprey
LR: 2780
An Act To Ensure Fairness for Child Care Centers
LR: 2781
An Act To Protect Children
LR: 2802
An Act To Protect Children in Schools, Day Care Centers and Churches
Sponsor: Representative Eaton
LR: 3162
An Act To Repeal the School District Consolidation Law
LR: 3167
An Act To Promote Revitalization and Redevelopment
LR: 3328
An Act To Require Large Retailers To Disclose the State's Implied Warranty Law to Customers
LR: 3359
An Act To Facilitate Formation of Regional School Unit No. 7
Sponsor: Representative Eberle
LR: 2911
Resolve, Authorizing the President of the Maine Community College System To Sell Two Parcels of Real
Property in South Portland
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