Historic Community Buildings Grants

February 10, 2025

In the November 2024 general election, Maine voters approved a $10 million dollar grant program for the restoration of historic community buildings owned by governmental and non-profit organizations.  The Maine Historic Preservation Commission (Commission) will be administering the grants in accordance with 27 MRSA §505.2.D. the statute governing the state financedpic1 grant programs for preservation and restoration of historic properties, as well as the adopted rules in 94-089 Ch. 811.  The grant manuals and applications will be released most likely in the late spring of 2025 with the first grants awarded in the fall of this year. 

While not all the details are available at this time, here is a Sneak Preview of some of the IMPORTANT DETAILS that organizations wanting to apply for grants should know about and take into consideration now.

  • Grant funds are available for “shovel ready” construction projects only, not for planning, research, or assessment projects, or for producing plans and specifications /bid documents. 
  • The grants will be awarded in three grant rounds beginning in the fall of 2025.                                       The total amount to be awarded, as well as the minimum and maximum size of each award will vary in each round.

With some exceptions, the grant-funded work must be carried out in accordance with plans and specifications /bid documents prepared by a licensed architect or engineer.  These plans and specifications/bid documents will have to be submitted with the application materials, so this is a good time to make sure you have these documents on hand, or to make arrangements that will generate the materials before you intend to apply. pic3

  • A 25% local matching share from either private or nonprofit sources will be required. The matching share may not come from governmental sources.  
  • All work must be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties: Preservation or Restoration. 
  • A preservation easement whose term varies by the amount of the grant award will be placed on the property and will be held by the Commission.

Tentative Opening Dates for Applications: August 1, 2025, January 15, 2026, August 1, 2026



*To check if a building is listed in the National Register of Historic Places send an email with the address and name of the building to michael.w.goebel-bain@maine.gov and put “NR Status Check” in the subject line. Responses will be sent on Friday afternoons.

For more information contact Christi.Chapman-Mitchell@Maine.gov or 207-287-1453