Locum Tenens Application

Locum Tenens Application

Please review the attached Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 public health emergency

(NOTE:  Maine's Public Health Emergency ended on June 30, 2021)

Licensure:       Executive Order 16 FY19/20;

Notarization:   Executive Order 37 FY19/20

Trouble viewing?  Copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.maine.gov/governor/mills/official_documents

Dear Applicant:

Locum Tenens application will soon be submitted online in the same manner as the permanent licensure application is currently done.  In the interim, the Locum Tenens application is below:

LOCUM-TENENS application_0.pdf

The completed form will need to be mailed to us, as we will need the original documents.  We will also require a Letter of Need from the facility where you'll be working, on their letterhead, listing the dates you will be needed (maximum of 6 months)

Please contact the Board via e-mail (osteo.pfr@maine.gov) if you should have any questions.  The statute governing Locums licenses is below and the credit card payment form for the application fee of $200 can be found in the section to the right on this page.

LT Statute 32 MRS 2574.pdf


Board Fee Schedule - July 2022.pdf


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