CLE Registration: Child Protective Conference 2025

Please select the date(s) you wish to attend this conference by selecting the appropriate options below. 

Event Date Selection

PDS will provide lunch at this conference. We will make every effort to accommodate common dietary restrictions. Do you have any dietary restrictions?

Food Selection

I certify that I am currently eligible to receive PDS case assignments (other than non-eligibility due to caseload limits). 

I understand that registration for this event is limited and that, if I am unable to attend, I will immediately notify PDS via email to so that someone from the waitlist may be invited to attend.

I understand that, if selected to attend, I will be required to refrain from multitasking during all instructional time. If I am found to be engaged in multitasking during instructional time, I may not be eligible to receive CLE credit or payment in accordance with Chapter 301-A.