Staff Directory

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Administrative Staff

Employee Position Phone
Lloyd LaFountain III Bank Superintendent
Administrator of the Bureau. Responds to press inquiries.
John A. Barr Deputy Superintendent - Research, Administration & Legal Affairs
Legislation, rulemaking, budget, consumer outreach and complaint resolution, bank monitoring systems and analysis, applications processing, office management. Responds to press inquiries.
Andrea McLaughlin Deputy Superintendent - Examination & Supervision
Heads Examination Division; responsible for on-site supervision of all state-chartered financial institutions.

Chase Hewitt, Esq.

Legal, legislation, rulemaking
Chris Ginchereau  Principal Bank Examiner
Off-site review of CALL reports, industry filings, and revenue collection.
Lindsey Mattson Principal Bank Examiner
Off-site analysis of bank performance; reviews applications filed by financial institutions
Nichole Bilodeau Consumer Outreach
Responds to consumer questions and concerns, develops booklets and videos regarding banking issues, lectures at schools
Vacant Secretary Associate
Secretary to the Superintendent
Christina Gowell Office Specialist I - Exam Section
Secretary to Deputy Superintendent - Examination and Supervision; processes exams and related procedures

Field Staff

Please note: Field examiners spend most of their time on site at financial institutions conducting examinations. Unless you have a specific reason for contacting a field examiner, please contact one of the individuals above.