The Maine Department of Environmental Protection supports a comprehensive and coordinated approach to environmental stewardship in managing resources we utilize in our daily lives. Product stewardship programs and materials management activities identify and encourage adopting practices that conserve material resources. This is in keeping with Maine's Solid Waste Management Hierarchy which prioritizes reducing, reusing and recycling above disposal of those materials. The Climate Program identifies and develops resources and tools to support local, regional and state climate adaptation activities.
Online Services
- Solid Waste Diversion Grant Program
- Returnable Beverage Containers (Bottle Bill)
- Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging
- Climate Change
- Fluorescent and Mercury-added Lamp Information
- Product Stewardship
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Organics Management
- Consolidated Organics Collection
- Materials Management Plan
- Post-Consumer Recycling
Single-Use Plastic Product Bans