Department of Health and Human Services
Chapter 101:
MaineCare Benefits Manual
(formerly Maine Medical Assistance Manual)
Provided by:
APA Office
Department of the Secretary of State (Maine)

This massive document, in Microsoft Word format, is divided into Chapters and Sections. See also the site maintained by the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes recently proposed, adopted, and emergency sections of Ch. 101.

Ch. I

Ch. I - Section 1: General Administrative Policies and Procedures
Ch. I - Section 2: State Medicaid Health Information Technology
Ch. I - Section 4: Telehealth Services
Ch. I - Section 5: COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Services
Ch. I - Section 6: Global HCBS Waiver Person-Centered Planning and Settings Rule

Ch. II - Specific Policies By Service

Ch. II - Section 2: Adult Family Care Services
Ch. II - Section 3: Ambulatory Care Clinic Services
Ch. II - Section 4: Ambulatory Surgical Center Services
Ch. II - Section 5: Ambulance Services
Ch. II - Section 7: Free-standing Dialysis Services
Ch. II - Section 9: Indian Health Services
Ch. II - Section 12: Consumer Directed Attendant Services
Ch. II - Section 13: Targeted Case Management Services
Ch. II - Section 14: Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Services
Ch. II - Section 15: Chiropractic Services
Ch. II - Section 17: Community Support Services
Ch. II - Section 18: Home and Community-Based Services for Adults with Brain Injury
Ch. II - Section 19: Home and Community Benefits for the Elderly and Adults with Disabilities
Ch. II - Section 20: Home and Community Based Services for Adults with Other Related Conditions
Ch. II - Section 21: Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ch. II - Section 23: Developmental and Behavioral Clinic Services
Ch. II - Section 24: Day Habilitation Services for Persons with Mental Retardation (absorbed by Ch. II Section 28 and Ch. II Section 21)
Ch. II - Section 25: Dental Services and Reimbursement
Ch. II - Section 26: Day Health Services
Ch. II - Section 28: Rehabilitative and Community Support Services for Children with Cognitive Impairments and Functional Limitations
Ch. II - Section 29: Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ch. II - Section 30: Family Planning Agency Services
Ch. II - Section 31: Federally Qualified Health Center Services
Ch. II - Section 32: Waiver Services for Children with Intellectual Disabilities or Pervasive Developmental Disorders (Repealed)
Ch. II - Section 35: Hearings Aids and Services (repealed and absorbed by Ch. II Section 60)
Ch. II - Section 40: Home Health Services
Ch. II - Section 43: Hospice Services
Ch. II - Section 45: Hospital Services
Ch. II - Section 46: Psychiatric Hospital Services
Ch. II - Section 50: ICF-MR Services
Ch. II - Section 55: Laboratory Services
Ch. II - Section 60: Medical Supplies and Durable Medical Equipment
Ch. II - Section 65: Behavioral Health Services
Ch. II - Section 67: Nursing Facility Services
Ch. II - Section 68: Occupational Therapy Services
Ch. II - Section 71: National Diabetes Prevention Program Services
Ch. II - Section 75: Vision Services
Ch. II - Section 80: Pharmacy Services
Ch. II - Section 85: Physical Therapy Services
Ch. II – Section 89: MaineMOM Services and Reimbursement
Ch. II - Section 90: Physician Services
Ch. II - Section 91: Health Home Services - Community Care Teams
Ch. II - Section 92: Behavioral Health Home Services
Ch. II - Section 93: Opioid Health Home Services
Ch. II - Section 94: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Services (EPSDT)
Ch. II - Section 95: Podiatric Services
Ch. II - Section 96: Private Duty Nursing and Personal Care Services
Ch. II - Section 97: Private Non-Medical Institution Services
Ch. II - Section 101: Medical Imaging Services
Ch. II - Section 102: Rehabilitative Services
Ch. II - Section 103: Rural Health Clinic Services
Ch. II - Section 107: Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Services
Ch. II - Section 109: Speech and Hearing Services
Ch. II - Section 113: Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) Services
Ch. II - Section 150: STD Screening Clinic Services (repealed)

Chapter III - Allowances for Services

Ch. III - Section 2: Adult Family Care Services
Ch. III - Section 3: Ambulatory Care Clinic Services
Ch. III - Section 5: Ambulance Services
Ch. III - Section 7: Free-standing Dialysis Services
Ch. III - Section 12: Allowances for Consumer Directed Attendant Services
Ch. III - Section 13: Targeted Case Management Services
Ch. III - Section 15: Chiropractic Services
Ch. III - Section 17: Allowances for Community Support Services
Ch. III - Section 18: Allowances for Home and Community-Based Services for Adults with Brain Injury
Ch. III - Section 19: Home and Community Benefits for the Elderly and Adults with Disabilities
Ch. III - Section 20: Allowances for Home and Community Based Services for Adults with Other Related Conditions
Ch. III - Section 21: Allowances for Home and Community Benefits for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ch. III - Section 23: Developmental and Behavioral Evaluation Clinic Services (Repealed, 7/3/2024, filing 2024-154)
Ch. III - Section 24: Day Habilitation Services for Persons with Mental Retardation (absorbed by Ch. III Section 28)
Ch. III - Section 25: Allowances for Dental Services (Repealed)
Ch. III - Section 26: Day Health Services
Ch. III - Section 28: Rehabilitative and Community Support Services for Children with Cognitive Impairments and Functional Limitations
Ch. III - Section 28: (Same, effective August 29, 2019)
Ch. III - Section 29: Allowances for Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ch. III - Section 30: Family Planning Agency Services
Ch. III - Section 31: Federally Qualified Health Center Services
Ch. III - Section 32: Allowances for Waiver Services for Children with Intellectual Disabilities or Pervasive Developmental Disorders (being repealed)
Ch. III - Section 35: Hearing Aids and Services (repealed and absorbed by Ch. II Section 60)
Ch. III - Section 40: Home Health Services
Ch. III - Section 43: Hospice Services (repealed)
Ch. III - Section 45: Hospital Services
Ch. III - Section 50: Principles of Reimbursement for Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded
Ch. III - Section 65: Behavioral Health Services
Ch. III - Section 67: Principles of Reimbursement for Nursing Facilities
Ch. III - Section 68: Occupational Therapy Services
Ch. III - Section 85: Physical Therapy Services
Ch. III - Section 91: Health Home Services - Community Care Teams
Ch. III - Section 92: Behavioral Health Home Services
Ch. III - Section 93: Opioid Health Home Services
Ch. III - Section 96: Private Duty Nursing and Personal Care Services

Ch. III - Section 97: Private Non-Medical Institution Services
Appendix A: (Repealed)
Appendix B: Principles of Reimbursement for Substance Use Treatment Facilities
Appendix C: Principles of Reimbursement for Medical and Remedial Service Facilities
Appendix D: Principles of Reimbursement for Children's Residential Care Facilities
Appendix E: Principles of Reimbursement for Community Residences for Persons with Mental Illness
Appendix F: Principles of Reimbursement for Non-Case Mixed Medical and Remedial Facilities
Ch. III - Section 102: Rehabilitative Services
Ch. III - Section 103: Rural Health Clinic Services
Ch. III - Section 107: Principles of Reimbursement for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Services
Ch. III - Section 109: Speech and Hearing Services
Ch. III - Section 113: Transportation Services (absorbed into Ch. II Section 113)
Ch. III - Section 150: STD Screening Clinic Services (repealed)

Chapter IV

Ch. IV - Section 1: Restriction Plans

Chapter V

Ch. V - Section 2: (Repealed; see Ch. II Section 94)

Chapter VI

Ch. VI - Section 1: Primary Care Case Management (replaced by Section 3 on June 21, 2022)
Ch. VI - Section 2: MaineCare DirigoChoice Initiative (Repealed effective December 31, 2013)
Ch. VI - Section 3: Primary Care Plus (effective June 21, 2022)

Chapter VII

Ch. VII - Section 5: Estate Recovery

Chapter VIII - Maine Children's Health Insurance Program

Ch. VIII - Section 1: Cub Care (Repealed)
Ch. VIII - Section 2: Health Insurance Purchase Option (Transferred to 10-144 Ch. 104 Section 5)

Chapter IX

Ch. IX - Section 1: Healthy Maine Prescriptions (Repealed effective September 29, 2003)
Ch. IX - Section 2: Maine Drugs for the Elderly Program (Repealed effective September 29, 2003 -- see Ch. 104)

Chapter X

Ch. X - Section 1: Benefit for People Living with HIV/AIDS
Ch. X - Section 2: Non-categorical Adults (Repealed effective January 1, 2014)
Ch. - Section 3: Katie Beckett Benefit
Ch. - Section 4: Limited Family Planning Benefit