Maine Enterprise Licensing System (MELS) Hub

The MELS Hub is the centralized resource designed for Maine citizens to access information about Maine’s new electronic licensing system.

Sign In

Sign in here with existing account for permit applications, compliance actions, and more.

Create Account

Create an account for applications, permitting, compliance actions, and more.

Submit a Complaint / Incident

Report a possible violation/incident or make an environmental complaint about direct impacts to protected natural resources.

Site Map Explorer

Use the Explorer mapping tools and advanced-search capabilities to navigate information on environmental sites.

What programs does MELS support?

The programs (or portions thereof as indicated) are currently supported in MELS:

  • Land Resources
    • Land Licensing (PBR / NOIC-MCGP, Land Licensing, Major Public Land Licensing)
    • Additional MELS environmental programs will be added to the system in phases

How do I get started?

You DO need an account to...

You do NOT need an account to...

  • Submit incidents (i.e., spills, complaints, or concerns)
  • Search for and access publicly available information
  • Search for and comment on public notices and hearings


User Guides/How To’s

Find MELS user guides geared toward your specific program, such as emissions reporting or medical waste.

Video resources

Troubleshooting MELS

MELS is designed to work best using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome on a personal computer. Users may also find that MELS works on tablets, but we do not recommend accessing it on a mobile phone.

Before you request assistance, please try the following:

  • You have closed and restarted the browser you are using
  • You have restarted your computer
  • You have an active MELS account and you have completed the verification steps that were emailed to you
  • You have signed in using the correct username and password
  • You checked to see if MELS was working in a different browser (MELS works best in Edge)
  • You are an authorized user for the site that you are trying to access
  • You have selected the appropriate site
  • You are not having issues visiting other webpages
  • You have internet access
  • You are accessing MELS within the United States
  • Questions? Contact us at 866-894-2578
Future Program Releases
The expansion to MELS Portal will be released in stages. We will share additional information on this page when new content is available.
  • Land
  • Solid Waste
  • Overboard Discharge
  • Biomedical
  • Current Marine Oil Terminal, Waste Oil Facilities, and Siting & Variance
  • Air Licensing
  • Oil Conveyance Fees
  • Hazardous Waste
  • Water Licensing
  • Redemption Centers
  • LANS
  • Metallic Mining, Gravel Pits, and MiNSYS/PITS
  • Transporter Licensing
  • Contractor Certification
  • Dams and Hydro
  • Tanks
  • eWaste
  • Underground Injection Control and Sand/Salt
Downloads and links
FAQs are in development