List of Training and Related Events

Click on a training to see more details.

Date Training Location
March 26, 2025Stream Smart Phase I Introductory WorkshopThorndike
March 27, 2025Basic & Advanced Erosion Control PracticesWindham
April 1, 2025Transfer Station Operator TrainingPortland
April 4, 2025Camp & Gravel Road WorkshopChina
April 8, 2025Living Shorelines Training Workshop & Site VisitWells
April 10, 2025Basic & Advanced Erosion Control PracticesWaterboro
April 17, 2025Basic & Advanced Erosion Control PracticesAugusta
April 24, 2025Shoreline Stabilization Practices for Inland WaterbodiesBridgton
April 29, 2025Stream Smart Phase I Introductory WorkshopThomaston
May 1, 2025Basic & Advanced Erosion Control PracticesSouth Paris
May 8, 2025Basic & Advanced Erosion Control PracticesHoulton
May 15, 2025Basic & Advanced Erosion Control PracticesAugusta
May 29, 2025Basic & Advanced Erosion Control PracticesLewiston

Recorded Training

Webinar Recording Date
The Mini-bid Process. Recorded at the Maine Petroleum Remediation Consultants Seminar 5/14/2014
DEP Compendium of Field Testing of Soil Samples for Gasoline and Fuel Oil (TS004). Recorded at the Maine Petroleum Remediation Consultants Seminar 5/14/2014
How to get certified in ESC 11/23/2020
Regulation: NRPA 1/6/2021
Stormwater and Site Law Module 2/10/2021
Permit By Rule: How To 2021 6/11/2021
Residential BMPs 6/11/2021

Additional Training

Nonpoint Source Training and Resource Center. The NPS Training Center (1) develops and implements training workshops; (2) develops and maintains various publications and a video lending library; and (3) acts as a clearinghouse for NPS and best management practices (BMP) information. NPSTRC Training Calendar.

Asbsestos and Lead Training Calendar
Contact: Sandy J. Moody (207) 242-0877 or (207) 287-7688

Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Training (No training scheduled at this time)
Contact: (207) 287-7688

TankSmart - Underground Oil Storage Tank Search & Operator Training Online Service
Contact: Kailee Mullen (207) 287-4749

Underground Storage Tank Installer and Inspector Training and Continuing Education
Theresa J.Scott (207) 287-7169 or (207) 287-7688

Transfer Station Operators Training Program
Randee McDonald (207) 451-2554

Universal Waste Training
Contact: Sandy J. Moody (207) 242-0877 or (207) 287-7688