Update 7: The DEP releases the most recent Brunswick sample findings

September 7, 2024

Nine PFAS surface water system sampling events have been taken by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) personnel since the August 19, 2024, AFFF release. Pond In and Pond Out were the sites of the initial sampling event, which took place on the day of the release. Five of the sampling events consisted of five surface water samples from the drainage system above Harpswell Cove (SW-11, 17, 23, 65 and 66), and the other three included those five sample locations plus two from within Harpswell Cove (SW-67 and 68).

We are in receipt of three sets of sampling results from the surface water system above Harpswell Cove at this time - results from the day of the release, three days following the release, and one week after the release. These results show that PFAS concentrations are decreasing in the upper portions of the surface water drainage, closest to the release location. Moving through the drainage system, PFAS concentrations have increased in areas where foam removal efforts have been ongoing, particularly at the outlet of Picnic Pond, most likely due to the fact that removal efforts and natural flow paths are drawing the foam to these locations. PFAS concentrations in the salt marsh above Harpswell Cove appear to have increased since initial sampling. This is likely to represent residual contamination that migrated to this area which is moving slowly through the system due to tidal cycling and natural flow.

DEP will continue to assess new surface water sample data as they become available and anticipate receiving our first sample results from Harpswell Cove next week. The Department's website has the sampling results as well as an updated map that displays the locations of surface water samples and the results.

Next week, DEP personnel will go door-to-door to speak with homeowners along Coombs Road from the southern intersection with Gurnet Road up to roughly a quarter mile past the intersection with Hawkins Lane, including properties on Hawkins Lane and Purinton Road. The purpose of the outreach is to discuss sampling of their drinking water well for PFAS. Approximately 45 residential properties have been identified by the Department for sampling. DEP staff will leave contact information if the property owner is not home so that follow-up can take place.

The public drinking water supply to Brunswick Landing comes from the Brunswick- Topsham Water District (BTWD) and has been confirmed safe to drink. The public water supply has not been impacted by this incident. Homes and businesses served by the BTWD can safely use the water.

The Maine CDC advises the public to avoid contact with foam, and to exercise caution and abstain from any recreational activities (such as swimming, boating, and wading) that may come into contact with the foam or waters until the possible effects of the AFFF release on waterbodies in the vicinity have been thoroughly evaluated.

The next update will be issued as soon as additional test results become available.

For additional information, contact: David R. Madore, Deputy Commissioner david.madore@maine.gov