Update 9: The Maine DEP's comprehensive testing efforts in Brunswick have resulted in ongoing sampling findings

September 19, 2024

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) began testing private water supplies for PFAS in the identified target area along Coombs Road. Most of the results were received this week. Property owners have been contacted by DEP personnel to discuss their results, and they will be provided copies of the laboratory testing report. All samples analyzed to date are below the Maine Interim Drinking Water Guideline of 20 parts per trillion for the Sum of Six PFAS (PFOS + PFOA + PFHpA + PFNA + PFHxS, + PFDA). A second round of testing for these water supplies is planned for December 2024.

Department staff have evaluated seven rounds of surface water results collected from the Merriconeag Stream watershed documenting conditions following the AFFF release that occurred on August 19, 2024. Most concentrations continue to decline throughout the watershed, and the highest concentrations are still being detected below the Picnic Pond outflow. Three rounds of data from Harpswell Cove have been received by the Department and indicate contamination has reached the marine environment but is quickly being diluted to low concentrations. PFAS levels in the watershed have not yet returned to pre-spill concentrations and testing of surface water will continue to track the trends.

Soil results have been received from four areas that were identified as either the most likely to be impacted from the AFFF release or those with the greatest risk for potential exposure to recreational users. They include the soils adjacent to Hangar Four and immediately around the oil water separator, the field north of the outdoor athletic complex, soils surrounding the outdoor athletic complex, and the field southeast of Pond B where appreciable amounts of wind-blown foam accumulated on the day of the AFFF release. Preliminary review of the analytical results identified some PFAS detections in all area soils that were tested. Soil concentrations at the Hanger Four area and athletic complex were only slightly above background soil levels for urban developed soils and were well below the States Remedial Action Guidelines for a park user exposure scenarios (see the PFAS Soil Remedial Action Guidelines in the Maine PFAS Screening Levels Document). The field southeast of Pond B where appreciable amounts of wind-blown foam accumulated on the day of the AFFF release was found to have the soil concentrations of PFAS well above background levels but still lower than the States Remedial Action Guidelines for the park user exposure scenario. This field is owned by the Navy and is posted with no trespassing signs. A comprehensive evaluation of the soil testing results by the Department and its partner agencies is ongoing.

Test results are posted on DEP's website.

No foam has been observed or collected at any of the preestablished points since Friday September 6th.

10,000 gallons of the impacted water have been removed for disposal off site, with approximately 20,000 gallons still in the frac tanks on site, By the end of next week, removal of all the remaining impacted water is anticipated to be completed.

The Town of Brunswick and Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority (MRRA) have collaborated to add an opt-in notification list through the Town's Notify Me service. The "Brunswick Landing/MRRA" notification list will provide information, news, and alerts supplied by MRRA to subscribers via email and/or text message.

To sign up for this notification service, please visit the Towns website and click on the Notify Me link.

Brunswick Landing receives its public drinking water supply from the Brunswick-Topsham Water District (BTWD), and has been confirmed safe to drink. The public water supply has not been impacted by this incident. Homes and businesses served by the BTWD can safely use the water.

The Maine CDC advises the public to exercise caution and abstain from any recreational activities (such as swimming, boating, and wading) that may come into contact with the foam or waters until the possible effects of the AFFF release on waterbodies in the vicinity have been thoroughly evaluated.

The next update will be issued as soon as additional test results become available.

For additional information, contact: David R. Madore, Deputy Commissioner david.madore@maine.gov

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Sampling update 09-19-2024