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Lead Hazard Prevention

Every year, hundreds of children in Maine are poisoned by lead. Children less than six years old are most at risk of lead poisoning. Most lead poisonings in Maine are caused by exposure to dust from old lead paint. Lead can cause learning disabilities and behavioral problems that last a lifetime.
More than half of Maine homes may have lead paint. Exposure to lead is most common in buildings built before 1950 (when paint contained up to 50% lead), and in buildings built before 1978 when repainting or remodeling is done.
What is a lead hazard?
A lead hazard is any condition that may cause exposure to lead from lead-contaminated dust, lead-contaminated soil, lead-contaminated water or lead-based paint that is in poor condition. Maine DEP regulations define the paint conditions and amounts of lead in dust, soil and water that constitute a lead hazard. It is possible to have lead paint in a home without it being a lead hazard.
By law, lead hazards may only be identified by a Maine-licensed lead inspector or risk assessor in the course of a lead inspection. Lead inspections may be performed to comply with a licensing requirement, as requested prior to a real estate sale, as part of a lead poisoning investigation, or because an owner wants to learn where there are lead hazards and lead paint in a home.
Sandy Moody, General questions and assistance - (207) 242-0877
Title 38, Chapter 12-B; Lead Abatement Emergency Provision § 1296
Title 38, Chapter 12-B: Lead Abatement §1291 - §1297
Title 22, Chapter 252: Lead Poisoning Control Act §1314 - §1327
Title 14, Chapter 710: Environmental Lead Hazards Disclosure §6030-B
Chapter 424 - Lead Management Regulations
Federal Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule - New federal rule requires contractors to do lead-safe renovations in homes and day cares built before 1978. (Off Site)
Additional Information
Related Programs (Off Site)
Centers For Disease Control and Prevention
Consumer Product Safety Commission - recalls of products because of lead content
HUD Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
Maine Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (Maine CDC)
Maine Healthy Homes Information and Resources (Maine CDC)
Maine Housing - Lead Hazard Control Program
National Center for Healthy Housing – The National Center for Healthy Housing brings together the heath, environmental and housing communities to create healthy and safe homes for children through practical and proven steps which decrease children's exposure to lead and other hazards in the home.
US EPA Lead in Paint, Dust and Soil - Includes information on the federal Lead Safe Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule.