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Maine's Class A/B UST System
Operator Training Manual
Below is a list of all of the TankSmart training modules. These documents allow operators who would prefer not to use the online program to access the training. Operators who choose not to take the online test will need to contact the TankSmart Program Manager at (207) 592-4092 to make other arrangements.
ALERT: Due to recent changes in State law and Department rules a few items are out-of-date in the TankSmart Operator Training Manual and are listed below.
Updates to the TankSmart Operator Training Manual:
- The certification period for Class A/B and Class C operators is two years unless there have been changes to the registered method of leak detection or overfill prevention or there is a finding of non-compliance by the Department or the US EPA;
- The A/B operator for sites storing motor fuels or used for marketing & distribution must perform a Weekly Facility Walk-Through
- Triennial Tightness Testing is required every 3 years for dispenser sumps, tank sumps, and fill pipe spill buckets containing a motor fuel or used for marketing and distribution of petroleum;
- Ball float valves are no longer allowed to be installed or repaired. They must be replaced with another form of overfill prevention;
- New and replaced spill bucket around a fill pipe on a motor fuel tank must be a double walled spill bucket;
- Double poppet crash valves are required for new and replaced fuel dispensers;
- Any tank out of service longer than 12 months requires a site assessment prior to requesting an extension to remain out of service;
- For facilities where employees are Certified Tank Installers or Inspectors who perform the annual inspections for the UST facility, a non-employee must conduct the annual inspection every three years;
- Some of our web addresses have changed. Generally, addresses that began with www.maine.gov/dep/rwm now begin with www.maine.gov/dep/waste; and
- The TankSmart Program is found at https://apps.web.maine.gov/cgi-bin/dep/tanksmart/index.cgi
If you have questions concerning this training, please contact the TankSmart Program Manager at (207) 592-4092.
TankSmart Manual
Complete hardcopy version of TankSmart (PDF, 8.95 MB) If you would like a specific module please see the links below. All are PDF files.
General Information
4 Annual UST System Inspections
7 Safety
Tanks/Leak Detection
8 Tanks: Double-Walled with Continuous Electronic Monitoring
9 Tanks: Double-Walled with Manual Monitoring
11 Daily Inventory & Statistical Inventory Analysis
12 Automatic Tank Gauges (ATGs)
Piping / Leak Detection
13 Piping: Double-Walled Systems
14 Piping: Single-Walled Systems
15 Piping: Pressurized Pumping Systems
16 Piping: Suction Pumping Systems
17 Overfill Prevention: Ball Floats
18 Overfill Prevention: Electronic Alarms
19 Overfill Prevention: Drop-Tube Shutoff Valves
Corrosion Protection
21 Cathodic Protection for Tanks & Piping
23 Dispensers
25 Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)
26 Consumptive Use Heating Oil Tanks & Diesel-Fueled Generator Tanks