Rate Determination Initiation Notice for Section 60, Medical Supplies and Durable Equipment   

This bulletin provides notice that the Department initiated a Rate Determination Process* for Section 60: Medical Supplies and Durable Medical Equipment of the MaineCare Benefits Manual prior to P.L. 2022 Ch. 639 becoming effective. The Department is conducting this rate determination pursuant to P.L. 2021, Ch. 398, Sec.

HCBS Compliance Form for Waiver Services Providers, CR 99064

The state is requiring that providers who fall under Sections 18, 20, 21, and 29 fill out a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Compliance form. This will ensure that providers of HCBS waiver services are in compliance with applicable requirements for HCBS waiver settings. Providers under the above sections of policy who are submitting new, revalidating, reactivating and maintenance cases will be required to fill out the form and upload it before the case can be finalized.  


Re-entry Update #14

September 26, 2022

Good afternoon,

We explained in May and reminded you last week that the last step to Re-entry is for Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) workers to fill out and supervisors to approve the Department of Administrative and Financial Services (DAFS) Telework Authorization Form.

DHHS Guidance on DAFS Telework Authorization Form: September 26, 2022

This document is general guidance for Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) workers about the State of Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services (DAFS) Telework Authorization system. It explains the different systems and provides tips for DHHS workers and supervisors in filling out the DAFS Telework Authorization form, with the caveat that DAFS is the authority on its form, content, process, and rules.

CORRECTION: UPDATED CONTACT INFORMATION - Attention Section 21 Per Diem Home Support and Home Support – Residential Habilitation – Family Centered Support Providers – American Rescue Plan HCBS Designated Payments

The Department will issue one-time payments next week to qualifying providers of Per Diem Home Support and Home Support – Residential Habilitation-Family Centered Support under MaineCare Benefits Manual (MBM) Section 21, Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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