HIV Testing for Older Adults

Almost 25% of all new HIV diagnoses are in people ages 45 and older. Older HIV patients have the same risk factors as any age including the following:

  • vaginal or anal sex without a condom or without Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PreP)
  • sharing needles.

Age can make people more prone to HIV. For example, thinning vaginal walls make tears more likely and older people may also be less likely to use a condom since pregnancy is not a concern.

Reminder: Primary Care Plus (PCPlus) Application is Open

MaineCare Services is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for participation in MaineCare’s PCPlus program. PCPlus is a MaineCare primary care model that gives Primary Care Providers (PCPs) greater flexibility and incentives to meet MaineCare members’ healthcare needs by transitioning away from a volume-based (fee-for-service) payment system toward population-based payments tied to cost and quality-related outcomes.

MaineCare Rate System Reform

Our Goal

To provide a clear and transparent process for MaineCare rate determinations, with opportunities for robust participation from all interested stakeholders.

Please go here for information on how you can participate and to view our monthly Rate System Reform updates. 

We continue to update this page with important dates and progress made on past, current, and future rate determination work. Please check in often, as this site is a work in progress.

Atrezzo Upgrade

On Monday, November 7, 2022, Kepro will upgrade their web-based platform to Atrezzo Next Generation. The Atrezzo Next Generation (ANG) platform is an improved interface with enhanced security features such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).       

Training Plan and Resources       

Proposed Rate Determination Schedule

Pursuant to Public Law 2021 Chapter 639, the Department must annually develop a schedule of rate determination in consultation with the MaineCare Rate Reform Expert Technical Advisory Panel (TAP). The Department must then post the proposed rate determination schedule on its publicly accessible website, provide an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the rate determination schedule, and make available a summary of these comments on its publicly accessible website. 

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