Re-entry Update #8

June 30, 2022

Good afternoon,

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is the last day for workers to fill out the DHHS Telework Approval Forms which can be found at the Office Re-entry Planning for DHHS site. We encourage you all to fill it out, even if you prefer not to telework. After tomorrow, this Form will be used for updated and adjusted schedules, new workers, and workers whose supervisors subsequently determine that they are eligible for telework.

Re-entry Update #7

June 27, 2022

Good morning,

This is the last week for workers to fill out the DHHS Telework Approval Form. The deadline is Friday, July 1.

All the information you need to know can be found at the Office Re-entry Planning for DHHS page (you can also navigate to it by visiting the DHHS homepage, hovering on “About Us” then clicking on “Staff” and scrolling down to the bottom of the page – it is the last bullet).

Attention Nursing Facilities and Residential Care Facilities – Rate Letters for State Fiscal Year 2023

Attention Nursing Facilities and Residential Care Facilities – Rate Letters for State Fiscal Year 2023 

Rate letters for providers in Section 67 and Section 97, Appendix C will be delayed. Rate letters will be sent out no later than September 1, 2022. Rates listed on those letters will be retroactive to July 1, 2022. 

Section 25 Dental Services Rulemaking Update 

MaineCare is expanding Dental Services to include coverage for adults, investing in reimbursement rates, and updating the entire policy to make it consistent with up-to-date evidence-based procedures and practices. These changes will take effect on July 1, 2022, by emergency rulemaking. Emergency rules have a maximum effective period of 90 days. The Department will propose a routine technical rule within 7 to 14 days of the emergency rule to make these changes permanent. 

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