Enteral Nutrition and Supply Codes Have been Added to the Diabetic Supply Service Group, CR 107707

Enteral nutrition and supply codes that were submitted with overlapping dates, paid by Medicare, and crossed over to MaineCare in the Medicare claim file were denying as duplicates. We have corrected this issue by adding the codes to the Diabetic Supply Service Group. We will adjust affected claims, and no provider action is necessary. 

Attention Children’s Services Providers: COVID-19 Provider Survey 

The Maine Pediatric & Behavioral Health Partnership (MPBHP) is looking for your feedback regarding how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected your practice with children and adolescents. If you provide care to this age group, please consider completing this four-question survey. The survey will help us better understand the impact of COVID-19 on providers.

Re-entry Update #3

May 25, 2022

Good Afternoon,

On May 31, we will distribute the DHHS Telework Approval Form. To assist you in filling it out, we have posted slides that will walk you through the approval form. They are available on our Office Re-entry Planning for DHHS Staff site (you can click the link or find them under “About Us” and “Staff”).

You will have until July 1 to fill out the DHHS Form. Supervisors will review the forms from June 20 to July 29.

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