Rights of Recipients

Basic Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services

Before filing a grievance, please review your rights are under the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services. The rights listed below are the Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services:

Rights and Legal Issues

This page provides information regarding the legal rights of individuals receiving mental health services. Some of the topics covered are advance directives, crisis planning, involuntary commitment, guardianship, grievances and privacy. This page is targeted to individuals receiving mental health services as well as family members, advocates, and mental health service providers.

Housing Services

OBH recognizes that access to safe, decent, and affordable housing is a medical necessity for many persons with disabilities. Independent housing vouchers deliver real therapeutic value; promote consumer empowerment; support both civil and disability rights; and are demonstrated to be radically cost effective when compared to high cost, high intensity, institutionalized care. OBH administers the following two housing programs:

Early Intervention Program

Maine Medical Center/ Portland Identification and Early Referral (MMC/PIER) offers evidence -based Coordinated Specialty Care Treatment for youth and young adults, ages 14-35, experiencing First Episode Psychosis ( FEP) /Early Serious Mental Illness ( ESMI) symptoms. MMC/PIER provides outreach, education, and training services to target audiences to help identify and refer people in need of specialty care.

To make a referral, call 207-662-3030 or email pierreferrals@mmc.org 

Becoming a DEEP Provider

Thank you for your interest in becoming certified to provide evaluation and treatment for DEEP referred clients. If you have any questions during this process, please feel free to contact our office at (207) 626-8600 and ask to speak with a member of the Case Management Team.

To apply, please complete the following steps:


An individual who disagrees with either the results of his or her clinical substance abuse evaluation or the treatment required, has the right to appeal by seeking a Second Opinion evaluation with a DEEP-approved provider. In addition, should DEEP refuse to sign off on the completion of treatment documentation, the individual has the right to request that the DEEP Board of Appeals* review the case. Call DEEP at 207-626-8600 for more information.

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