Driver Education and Evaluation Programs (DEEP) Frequently Asked Questions

What is DEEP?

DEEP, or the Driver Education and Evaluation Programs of the Office of Behavioral Health, Department of Health and Human Services, administers the Impaired Driving Programs in the State of Maine. The goals of the program include providing effective, efficient and meaningful interventions for impaired drivers according to Maine Law so that public safety is maintained.

Driver Education and Evaluation Programs (DEEP)

DEEP is a legislatively mandated (5 MRSA c.521, Sub-c. V) operating-under-the-influence (OUI) countermeasure program. The goal of the programs is to reduce the incidences of injury, disability and fatality that result from alcohol and other drug related motor vehicle crashes, and to reduce the risk of re-offense for OUI. DEEP provides effective, efficient, and meaningful interventions such as education, treatment, and counseling services.

If you have been referred to DEEP:

Justice System Related Services

OBH provides a variety of support and evaluation services for individuals involved in the criminal justice system who have underlying behavioral health concerns and substance use disorders.

OBH also provides bridge services for those with behavioral health and SUD needs and who are formerly incarcerated or returning to their communities from prison or jail to access community programs and supports and successfully

Substance Use Disorder Treatment

There are a variety treatment options available to Mainers struggling with substance use disorders, including programs specializing in detox and maintenance for those experiencing opioid and opiate dependence. The diversity of treatment options reflects the varying needs of individuals, and the fact that there is no “one size fits all” approach to treatment.

Those who are seeking help with treatment for substance use disorders should contact a physician or treatment provider to determine which type of treatment is most appropriate for them.

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