​​EVV Providers – Update to Latest Version of the Sandata Mobile Connect (SMC) App ​

EVV Providers who are currently using the SMC app through their phone, tablet, or other mobile device should update to the latest version of the app using the Apple Store, or Google Play. The current version of the app is being phased out and will no longer be active. To avoid any interruption of visit record keeping, you should now download the app that has a version number of 3.0 or higher.   

​​Section 50, Intensive Care Facilities (ICF) Rate Letters for Calendar Year (CY) 2024 and Day Habilitation Service Rate Update - CR 121701

Rate Letters 

The CY 2024, ICF-IID rate letters are now available on the Health PAS Online Portal. You can view them by logging into your Trading Partner Account and following this pathway: File Exchange > Reports > Rate Setting Letters.  

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