Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Trainings and Forums

The federal deadline to implement the EVV requirements for Home Health providers delivering services under Section 40 and Hospice providers delivering services under Section 43 happened January 1, 2023.

We continue to offer weekly provider and aggregator trainings and forums. All trainings and forums are online via Microsoft Teams.

NOTE:  The Absorb training system has been updated to allow providers to register for trainings and/or forums more than once.

Microdyn Update for Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs), and Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs), CRs 116565, 117447, & 117448

Effective June 3, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) quarterly updates in MIHMS were completed.        

The following CMS documents provides the details of the APC updates:    

April 2023 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor Specs:     

Attention Section 97, Appendix D, Private Non-Medical Institutions (PNMI): Rate Determination Initiation Notice for Therapeutic Foster Care Services

This bulletin provides notice that the Department has initiated a Rate Determination Process* for Therapeutic Foster Care services under Section 97, Appendix D, PNMI of the MaineCare Benefits Manual. MaineCare’s Rate Reform Unit will conduct this rate determination.

Maine CDC Warns of Increase in Rabid Animal Cases

Urges precautions to avoid rabies

AUGUSTA — Following a rise in animals testing positive for rabies in the state since the start of this year, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) urges Maine people and visitors to take steps to prevent rabies.

Between January and May of 2023, the Maine CDC confirmed 30 cases of rabies in raccoons, skunks, bats, a fox, and a woodchuck. Cumberland County recorded 12 of the 30 cases. Rabies activity was significantly lower in 2022, with a total of 35 cases for the year.

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