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News, most recent first
- December 4, 2023: ASMFC Northern Shrimp Section Maintains Fishery Moratorium for the 2023 Fishing Year and Initiates Amendment to Extend Moratorium and Implement Stock Monitoring Tool (pdf, 2 pages)
- November 17, 2021: ASMFC Northern Shrimp Section Extends Moratorium on Commercial and Recreational Fishing Through 2024 (PDF press release from ASMFC, 1 page)
- October 4, 2018: Northern shrimp benchmark assessment indicates resource continues to be depleted; assessment accepted for management use (PDF press release from ASMFC, 2 pages)
- October 20, 2017: ASMFC approves Amendment 3 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for northern shrimp (PDF press release from ASMFC, 1 page)
General Fishery and Fishery Management Information
- Biology, stock assessment, and fishery management of Northern Shrimp in the Gulf of Maine (c/o Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC); management plans and meetings near the bottom of the page)
- Maine commercial shrimp fishing licenses — none are being issued at this time
- Maine shrimp landings data
- Maine shrimp laws (§6804 and §6805) and regulations (go to Chapter 45)
- Report from the Task Force to Study Limited Entry in the Maine Shrimp Fishery, 2000 (PDF file, 7 pages, 350 kb)