Maine Tackle-Busters Club

What is the Tackle-Busters Club?

In 1996, the DMR resumed the Tackle-Busters Club. This "club" is an association of saltwater anglers who have landed a "BIG ONE" in Maine. This club was established as a way to recognize saltwater anglers who have outstanding catches of particular fish, but do not qualify for state record status.

What are the minimum qualifying sizes?

The fish listed here must be taken on rod and reel but line-testing strength is not limited. Live and cut baits may be used as well as artificial lures. Note: Anglers who wish to qualify for Tackle-Busters in the Striped bass or Bluefish category but wish to release their fish unharmed may do so if the fish meets the minimum total length requirement. A photo of the fish beside a tape measure would provide the necessary verification of size.

How do I join?

Simply print and fill out the application card (PDF, 651 kb), and mail with a photo of the fish. You can also email the information from the application card along with a digital picture to recreational fisheries staff (search for "recreational"). Anglers catching a fish that meets the minimum specifications will be enrolled in Tackle-Busters and will receive a window decal and membership card.

Want to see results from previous years?

See how many tackle-buster fish were caught in past years for each category.

See pictures of what some lucky anglers reeled in during last year's fishing season.