Aquaculture Public Hearing - Robert E. Brewer

Date: October 25, 2023

Time: 1:00 p.m.

Location: Stonington Town Office, 32 Main Street

Town: Stonington

The Department of Marine Resources (DMR) is holding a public hearing on the standard lease proposal listed below. Please carefully review the schedule of the proceeding as there is an important deadline regarding participation. 

Applicant Name: Robert E. Brewer

Culture Type: Suspended Culture of Shellfish/Marine Algae

Location: Penobscot Bay, Stonington

Acreage and Term Requested: 3.26 acres for 20 years

Schedule of proceeding:

1. Registering to Participate and Apply for Intervenor Status

A.  Registration: Anyone wishing to attend the hearing is asked to register. Persons intending to ask questions of the parties or testify about the proposed lease (“Interested Persons”) must register with DMR to participate in this manner.  Failure to register will limit your ability to participate in the proceeding.  Persons who are unable to register online or need assistance with the form must contact DMR.

B. Intervening: Intervenor applications must be requested from DMR at the contact information below. DMR will decide whether to grant intervenor status five days before the hearing. If you are granted intervenor status, you become a legal party to the proceeding.

The deadline to register is 5:00 p.m. on October 10, 2023. Applications to intervene must also be received by this date and time.

2. Hearing

The hearing will be held in-person as follows:  

October 25, 2023

Stonington Town Office

32 Main Street

Stonington, ME


The hearing will begin at 1:00 pm.

If the hearing listed above is postponed or continued, it will be held on October 26, 2023, at the same time, location, and format.  Notice of a postponement or a continuance will be posted on DMR’s website.

The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the adjudicatory proceeding provisions of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act (5 M.R.S.A., ch. 375, subchapter 4).  Any interested person may attend the hearing and registered participants may ask questions of the parties or testify about the application.

Registration is available at:

The application is posted to DMR’s aquaculture webpage under “Pending Lease Applications.”


Address questions to:

Maine Department of Marine Resources

Attn:  Aquaculture Division

21 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333-0021


For disability accommodations, contact: (207) 624-6553, or 877-243-2823, TTY 711

RELEVANT AUTHORITY:  The rules governing the leasing program are found in Chapter 2 of DMR regulations.  The statutory provisions are: 5 M.R.S.A. §9051 et seq. & 12 M.R.S.A. §6072(1) et seq., & 12 M.R.S.A. §6072-A(1) et seq.