Considerations for Secondary Math Pathways Implementation
Strengthening pathways through secondary mathematics has the potential to benefit individual students and schools as a whole. Planning for the implementation of math pathways requires vision and leadership and must include consideration of the culture, resources, and needs of individual school administrative units (SAU). Embracing implementation of math pathways involves administrators and educators collaborating to design mathematics course pathways and curricula that will meet the needs of students in their SAU.
The resources below include examples of pathways designed by educators in other states and are intended to inform the thinking of SAUs in Maine as they explore and plan for secondary math pathways.
Math Pathways Resources for Implementation
MSAD11 has done in-depth planning, taking a long view on developing and supporting pathways through mathematics for their students. Source: R1CC, Maine DOE, MCSS, and Maine Math Pathways Working Group Members.
Read MoreThis brief planning checklist is adapted from the Idaho Math Pathways Implementation Guide. Source: Maine DOE and MCSS with input from Maine Math Pathways Working Group Members and R1CC.
GuideThis visual shows an example of how to display math course options for students. Source: Maine DOE and MCSS with input from Maine Math Pathways Working Group Members and R1CC
Download the FlowchartThis webpage provides an overview of one Oregon district’s secondary math program pathways. Source: Maine DOE and MCSS with input from Maine Math Pathways Working Group Members and R1CC.
This guide was written for higher education leadership teams to guide the math pathways implementation process but many of the strategies and aligned tools are also useful for an school administrative unit (SAU)- or school-level leadership team to inform their planning. Source: Maine DOE and MCSS with input from Maine Math Pathways Working Group Members and R1CC.
This one-page graphic includes rationale and specific curriculum across the secondary years. Source: Maine DOE and MCSS with input from Maine Math Pathways Working Group Members and R1CC.