123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Farrington
LR: 3103
An Act To Clarify Budget Validation Referendum Procedures in Charter Municipalities
LR: 3200
An Act To Exclude Collectively Bargained and Job Promotion Increases from the Earnable Compensation
Limitation for Retirement Purposes
LR: 3216
An Act To Clarify the Application of the Budget Validation Process for School Administrative Units
Spending at or Less than the Essential Programs and Services Model
Sponsor: Representative Finch
LR: 2772
An Act Regarding Consolidation of School Administrative Units
LR: 2949
An Act Regarding the Application of Term Limits for the State Board of Education
Sponsor: Representative Finley
LR: 3173
An Act To Require Certain Persons To Wear Reflective Vests at Night
LR: 3333
An Act To Prohibit the Sale of Nonenergy-efficient Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Sponsor: Representative Fischer
LR: 2905
An Act To Provide Incentives for Motorcyclists To Wear Helmets
LR: 2906
An Act To Protect the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution during Times of Emergency
LR: 3125
An Act Regarding Storm Water Standards for York's of Houlton
Sponsor: Representative Fletcher
LR: 2919
An Act Regarding Private Line Construction
LR: 2920
An Act To Provide Returnable Container Flexibility for Small Commercial Establishments
LR: 2921
An Act To Ensure Timely Recognition of Title Transfer for Purposes of Property Tax Liability
LR: 2922
An Act To Require Legislative Approval of Department of Environmental Protection Rules Implementing
the Carbon Dioxide Cap-and-trade Program of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Act of 2007
LR: 2976
An Act To Allow Agency Liquor Stores 2 Exterior Advertising Signs
Sponsor: Representative Flood
LR: 2866
An Act To Provide Grants to Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders
LR: 2980
An Act To Repeal the Cap on Rental Rates for State Submerged Lands
LR: 3133
An Act To Provide Parents of Special Needs Children Access to Ombudsman Services
LR: 3134
An Act To Require a Natural Resource Protection Laws Permit for Certain Gravel Pits and Quarries
LR: 3135
An Act To Clarify the Application of Protections under Significant Wildlife Habitats Pertaining to
Nonmetallic Mining Activities
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