123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Edgecomb
LR: 2801
An Act To Eliminate Penalties to School Systems Concerning Consolidation of School Administrative
Unit Deadlines
LR: 2962
An Act To Allow Certain Schools To Negotiate Their Own Cost-sharing Formulas
Sponsor: President Edmonds
LR: 2733
An Act To Ensure Fairness in Credit Card Practices
LR: 2747
An Act To Preserve Competition in the Financial Services Market
LR: 2959
An Act To Restrict the Inclusion and Display of Social Security Information and Other Personal
Information in Records Filed in Registries of Deeds
LR: 3016
An Act To Enhance Economic Development in Maine's Aviation Industry
LR: 3036
An Act To Correct the Law Regarding Portability of Pension Benefits for Law Enforcement Officers and
LR: 3044
An Act To Allow Certain Purchased Retirement Service Credit To Count as Pre-1993 Service
LR: 3233
An Act To Expand Economic Development Opportunities
LR: 3237
An Act To Strengthen Criminal Laws against Domestic Violence
LR: 3249
Resolve, To Require the Department of Health and Human Services To Promote Awareness of Parkinson's
LR: 3251
An Act Relating to State Valuation of Certain Municipalities
LR: 3257
An Act To Address the Affordability and Comprehensiveness of Health Coverage in Maine
LR: 3261
Resolve, To Establish the Maine Guaranteed Health Coverage Commission
LR: 3262
An Act To Ensure Continued Operation of the Poison Hotline
LR: 3294
An Act To Increase Public Confidence in Government by Expanding Public Disclosure
LR: 3357
An Act To Meet the Emergency Needs of Maine Veterans
Sponsor: Representative Emery
LR: 2736
An Act To Require Elementary and Secondary Education Personnel To Be Trained To Recognize Signs of
Child Abuse and Neglect
LR: 2887
An Act To Develop and Implement the Marine Fisheries Stock Enhancement Fund
Sponsor: Representative Faircloth
LR: 2896
An Act To Improve School Nutrition
LR: 2977
An Act To Increase Access to Dental Care
LR: 3326
An Act To Clarify the Rights and Obligations of Regional School Units Concerning the Transfer and
Subsequent Reassignment of Teachers and Other Employees
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