123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Gerzofsky
LR: 2744
An Act Regarding the Sale of Firearms to Minors
LR: 2846
An Act To Reduce Property Taxes, Eliminate Duplication and Streamline Government by Unifying the
State Prisons and County Jails
LR: 3029
An Act To Protect Public Health and Promote a Healthy Shellfish Industry
LR: 3030
An Act To More Quickly Reopen Clam Flats
LR: 3106
An Act To Modify the Law Governing the Sex Offender Registry
LR: 3266
An Act To Clarify the Law Regarding the Collection of DNA
Sponsor: Representative Giles
LR: 2913
An Act To Amend the Circuitbreaker Program
LR: 2914
An Act To Establish the Wellness Tax Credit
Sponsor: Senator Gooley
LR: 2859
An Act To Eliminate the Income-producing Requirement for Land in the Farm and Open Space Program
LR: 2981
Resolve, To Reimburse Edgewood Rehabilitation and Living Center for Services Rendered
LR: 3350
An Act To Require a Seller of a Gas Station To Provide an Update Inspection Prior to Sale of the Property
Sponsor: Representative Greeley
LR: 3022
An Act To Exempt Items Purchased under the United States Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program
from Sales Tax
LR: 3023
An Act To Exempt Military Reenlistment Bonuses from Income Tax
LR: 3024
An Act Pertaining to the Consolidation of School Administrative Units
LR: 3037
An Act To Legalize Mixed Martial Arts Competitions
LR: 3095
An Act To Provide Notice to Law Enforcement Officers That a Driver Is on Probation
Sponsor: Representative Grose
LR: 3126
An Act To Provide Relief to the Counties of the State
Sponsor: Representative Harlow
LR: 2865
An Act To Improve Health and Safety in Maine
LR: 3101
An Act To Clarify the Authority of Municipalities To Assess and Collect Property Taxes and Allow
School Administrative Units To Spend Funds
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