123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Haskell
LR: 3002
An Act To Amend the Public Works Contractors' Surety Bond Law
LR: 3097
An Act To Authorize Municipal Licensing Boards under the Liquor Laws
Sponsor: Senator Hastings
LR: 2788
An Act To Amend the Informed Growth Act
LR: 2789
An Act To Repeal the Informed Growth Act
LR: 2894
An Act To Amend the Freedom of Access Laws To Provide Attorney's Fees in Certain Successful Appeals
LR: 3028
An Act To Clarify the Sales Tax on Prepared Meals
LR: 3059
An Act To Clarify the Population Density Parameter under the Laws Governing School Administrative
Unit Consolidation
LR: 3090
An Act To Authorize Acreage in the Town of Baldwin To Be Designated as a Pine Tree Development
LR: 3196
An Act To Establish the Transition Adjustment for Fiscal Year 2008-09
LR: 3245
An Act To Limit the Liability of Water Utilities Operating outside Their Service Charter in Response to
Emergency Situations
Sponsor: Representative Hayes
LR: 2858
An Act To Exempt from Taxation Sales of Veterans' Memorials To Be Installed on Public Property
LR: 3104
An Act To Assist Certain School Administrative Districts To Become More Favorable Partners for School
District Consolidation
LR: 3301
An Act To Protect Personally Identifying Information
Sponsor: Representative Hill
LR: 2848
An Act To Strengthen the Crime of Visual Sexual Aggression against a Child
LR: 3353
An Act To Require the Accurate Designation of Flood Plain Areas
Sponsor: Representative Hinck
LR: 2775
An Act To Conserve Gasoline and Preserve Clean Air
LR: 2784
An Act To Preserve Successful Historic Neighborhood Schools
LR: 2861
An Act To Require Certain Sex Offenders To Register Their Online Identifiers
LR: 3163
An Act To Protect Public Health and the Environment with Safer Alternatives to Lead Wheel Weights
LR: 3297
An Act To Shield Journalists' Confidential Sources
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