123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Hobbins
LR: 2986
An Act To Correct the Uniform Limited Partnership Act of 2007
LR: 3098
An Act To Authorize a Budget Process for Municipal School Units Governed by Municipal Charters
LR: 3223
An Act To Allow School Districts in Regional School Units To Develop Individual Cost-sharing
LR: 3235
An Act Regarding the Administration of Medication to Children with Allergies and Asthma
Sponsor: Representative Hogan
LR: 2873
An Act To Require the Recording of all Public Entities When in Executive Session
LR: 3005
An Act To Allow School Districts Forming a Regional School Unit To Develop Individual Cost-sharing
Agreements That Provide Equity in Local Funding
Sponsor: Representative Jackson
LR: 2874
An Act To Prohibit the Sale of Energy Drinks to Minors
LR: 2912
An Act Regarding Educational Testing and Evaluations
LR: 3056
An Act To Allow Certain Assistance to Bear Hunters
LR: 3184
An Act To Provide a Tax Credit for Businesses and Homeowners Who Build Windmills
Sponsor: Representative Jacobsen
LR: 3018
Resolve, To Ensure the Future Supply of Domestic and Industrial Electric Power Generated within the
LR: 3019
Resolve, To Make Lake Arrowhead in the Town of Waterboro and the Town of Limerick the Primary
Location for Developing and Testing Methods of Eradicating Milfoil and Other Invasive Aquatic Species
LR: 3020
An Act To Include School Bus Drivers in the Maine Public Employees Retirement System
LR: 3021
Resolve, Directing the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources To Determine whether
Ethanol Production in this State Would Benefit Maine Agriculture
Sponsor: Representative Kaenrath
LR: 2966
An Act To Increase the Time Period for Motor Vehicle Inspections to 2 Years
LR: 3043
An Act To Create the Crime of Producing Graffiti
Sponsor: Representative Knight
LR: 2737
An Act To Amend the Laws Pertaining to Road Associations
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