123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Koffman
LR: 2960
An Act To Reduce the Volume and Toxicity of Solid Waste through Promotion of Biobased Plastics
LR: 2988
An Act Regarding Reclamation of Native Brook Trout Waters
LR: 3000
An Act To Restore Maine's Status as a Premier Fishing Destination
LR: 3141
An Act To Regulate Scrap Metal Processors
LR: 3171
An Act To Enhance the Availability of Landlocked Salmon in Their Original Waters
LR: 3201
An Act To Update the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
LR: 3207
An Act To Reduce Litter, Preserve Landfill Space and Protect Wildlife Habitat
LR: 3280
An Act To Clarify the Enforcement Authority of the Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers in
Addressing Uncertified Practices
LR: 3344
An Act To Preserve Maine's Historic Buildings
LR: 3369
An Act To Clarify the Waste Motor Oil Disposal Site Remediation Program
LR: 3375
An Act To Promote the Restoration of Historic Buildings
LR: 3379
An Act To Restore Maine's Historic Buildings
Sponsor: Representative Lansley
LR: 2938
An Act To Implement State Funding Accountability and Transparency
LR: 3300
An Act To Reduce Taxes for Maine Residents
LR: 3319
An Act To Establish the Department of Education as Bargaining Agent and Payroll Agent for School
Districts and Regional School Units
Sponsor: Representative Lewin
LR: 3159
An Act To Require the State To Bear Expenses Associated with the Implementation of the Law Governing
the Consolidation of School Administrative Units
Sponsor: Representative Lundeen
LR: 2929
An Act To Amend the Criteria for Exceptions for Higher Performing and Highly Efficient Schools
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