123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Pendleton
LR: 2987
Resolve, To Determine Methods of Securing a Trained Laboratory Workforce for Maine
LR: 3265
An Act To Reduce Municipal Property Taxes
LR: 3275
An Act To Protect Nurses from Mandatory Overtime and Other Requirements
LR: 3282
An Act To Provide Child Care for Students in Maine's Community Colleges and the University of Maine
LR: 3285
An Act To Create the Position of Braille Transcriber and Assistant
Sponsor: Representative Peoples
LR: 3345
An Act To Require Ignition Interlock Systems for Drivers Convicted of Operating Under the Influence
Sponsor: Representative Percy
LR: 2741
An Act Relating to the Minimum Special Education Adjustment
LR: 2835
Resolve, Establishing the Local and Organic Food, Fish and Farm Task Force
LR: 2836
An Act To Develop Guidelines for Use in Implementing a Program of Instruction on Financial Literacy in
Secondary Schools and To Provide for the Establishment of a Fund To Receive Public and Private
Contributions for Financial Literacy Instruction
LR: 2936
An Act To Provide Equity for Educational Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
LR: 3031
An Act To Equalize the Tax Burden for Education across Municipalities of the Lower Kennebec River
LR: 3260
An Act To Safeguard the Natural Commodities of Pitch Pine, Semi-dune and Wetland
Sponsor: Representative Perry, A.
LR: 2882
An Act To Authorize the State Board of Nursing To Order the Physical or Mental Examination of a
Licensed Nurse
LR: 2883
An Act To Clarify the Licensure of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
LR: 2884
An Act To Clarify the Status of Household Pharmaceuticals Collected for Disposal
LR: 2885
An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Parking of Recreational Vehicles
LR: 3049
An Act To Increase MaineCare Payments to Dentists
LR: 3138
An Act To Increase the Reimbursement of Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers
LR: 3139
An Act To Implement a Consent Judgment Regarding Oxycontin Abuse
LR: 3259
An Act To Provide Support for At-risk Children
LR: 3330
An Act To Enhance Public Safety and Savings through Expanded Alternatives to Incarceration
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