123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Perry, J.
LR: 2876
An Act To Protect Maine's Lakes and Ponds through a Property Tax Incentive
LR: 3291
An Act To Encourage the Use of Environmentally Safe Drain Cleaners
LR: 3296
An Act To Hold Private Snowplow Contractors Liable for Failure To Perform Their Duties
Sponsor: Representative Pieh
LR: 3026
An Act Concerning Animal Welfare
LR: 3034
An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Board of Trustees of the Maine Criminal Justice
LR: 3088
Resolve, To Conduct an Objective and Independent Review of the Department of Education
Sponsor: Representative Pilon
LR: 2794
An Act To Create a Tax Deferral Program for Maine Residents 65 Years of Age or Older
LR: 2795
An Act To Alter the Method of Calculating the Excise Tax on Automobiles
LR: 2998
An Act To Ban Large Power Boats from Inland Waters
LR: 2999
An Act To Tie the Travel Reimbursement Rate for Legislators to the Federal Reimbursement Rate
Sponsor: Representative Pingree
LR: 2830
An Act To Prohibit the Sale of Toys That Have Been Recalled by the Federal Consumer Product Safety
LR: 2834
An Act To Lower Energy Costs and Increase Renewable Energy in Maine
LR: 2877
An Act To Protect Children's Health and the Environment from Toxic Chemicals in Toys and Children's
LR: 3114
An Act To Decrease Energy Costs on Downeast Islands
LR: 3115
An Act To Make Changes to the Working Waterfront Use Laws
LR: 3143
An Act To Continue Maine's Leadership in Providing Health Insurance Coverage to the Uninsured
LR: 3144
An Act To Establish a Cost-sharing Arrangement for Mount Desert Island High School
LR: 3145
An Act To Encourage Cost-sharing in Maine Schools
LR: 3351
An Act To Lower Maine's Tax Burden on Maine People
LR: 3352
An Act To Protect Maine Electricity Consumers
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