123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Pinkham
LR: 3152
An Act To Authorize County Commissioners To Enact Ordinances To Provide Road Services and
LR: 3153
An Act To Authorize Formation of the Northwest Maine Regional School Unit
LR: 3188
An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Sex Offender Registry
Sponsor: Representative Piotti
LR: 2756
An Act To Ensure Integrity in Financing Publicly Funded Campaigns
Sponsor: Senator Plowman
LR: 2863
Resolve, To Create a Commission To Study the Real Estate Holdings of the Department of Transportation
LR: 2864
An Act To Encourage the Education of All Maine Students
LR: 3213
An Act To Protect Landlords from Frivolous Eviction Appeals
Sponsor: Representative Pratt
LR: 2754
An Act To Ensure Ethical and Humane Dog Breeding in the State
LR: 3236
An Act To Secure Access to Publicly Owned Lands
LR: 3238
An Act To Amend the Whitewater Rafting Allocation System
LR: 3246
An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Consolidation of School Administrative Units
LR: 3372
An Act To Provide Flexible Financial Aid and Create a Revolving Loan Fund for Nondependent Students
Sponsor: Representative Priest
LR: 2752
An Act To Protect Homeowners from Equity Stripping during Foreclosures
LR: 2824
An Act To Establish an Office of the Health Care Insurance Advocate in the State
LR: 2825
An Act To Appropriate Funds to the Dirigo Health Program
Sponsor: Representative Rand
LR: 3099
An Act To Authorize Municipal Property Tax Deferral Programs in Municipalities
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