About the Dashboards
These dashboards provide information on the health care payments and utilization for services provided at Maine hospitals. The goal of these dashboards is to offer consumers, providers, payers, purchasers, policy members, and other stakeholders with information on health care spending in Maine hospitals. Some questions that can be explored using these dashboards include: How have payments and utilization for hospital inpatient and outpatient services changed over recent years? How do payments or utilization vary based on type of insurance coverage? On average how much is paid for certain hospital services?
Mobile-optimized dashboards can be viewed on Tableau Public.
Under its establishing statute, the Office of Affordable Health Care (OAHC) is charged with analyzing health care cost growth trends and health care spending in Maine. These interactive dashboards were created for OAHC by the Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO) and their data vendor the Human Services Research Institute using data from MHDO's All Payor Claims Database.
The Maine Health Data Organization used standard methods to generate these dashboards. Further information can be found in the methodology document and the definitions document.
The information contained in the dashboards is based on claims data submitted to MHDO per the requirements defined in 90-590 Chapter 243, Uniform Reporting System for Health Care Claims Data Sets. MHDO applies over 200 data validations and quality control checks prior to accepting the claims data. However, it is possible that there could be errors in reporting that would impact the accuracy of these findings. If errors are identified or the data needs to be refreshed, the Office of Affordable Health Care and the Maine Health Data Organization may modify the information and analysis without notice. Users assume responsibility for determining the tool’s suitability for their purposes and use at their own risk.