Maine CDC and Partners Expand Stillbirth Prevention Program

Mar 3, 2024

The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) is partnering with Count the Kicks, an evidence-based stillbirth prevention program, to educate expectant parents about the importance of paying attention to their baby’s movements in the third trimester of pregnancy. In Maine, one in every 175 pregnancies ends in stillbirth, with racial minorities disproportionally affected.

MaineCare Notice of Agency Waiver Renewal-MaineCare Benefits Manual, Section 18, Home and Community Based Services for Members with Brain Injury

Notice of Agency Waiver Renewal

AGENCY:  Department of Health and Human Services, MaineCare Services

RULE TITLE OR SUBJECT: Chapter 101, MaineCare Benefits Manual, Section 18, Home and Community Based Services for Members with Brain Injury

WAIVER: ME.1082, Home and Community Based Services for Members with Brain Injury Waiver

Medical Records

At Riverview Psychiatric Center the privacy of your health information is a top priority. We follow strict guidelines that secure your medical records in accordance with your rights, and with federal and state regulations. You, or your legal representative, have the right to obtain a copy of your medical records. Upon request, we will also send a copy of your medical records to another health care provider.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Phase 2 Trainings

The EVV requirements for Home Health providers delivering services under Section 40 were implemented on January 1, 2023.

All trainings are online via Microsoft Teams.

NOTE: The Absorb training system has been updated to allow providers to register for trainings more than once.

EVV Training Schedule

EVV Phase 2 Training and Aggregator Content – State and Provider Trainings



Attention Section 14, Advanced Practice Registered Nursing (APRN) and Section 90, Physician Services: 2024 Anesthesiology Rate Updates, CR 122923

Effective January 1, 2024, MaineCare has updated the Anesthesiology conversion factors for Section 14, APRN Services and Section 90, Physician Services codes. New rates were implemented on February 14, 2024.

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