Attention Residential Care (PNMI-C) Facilities: CoreQ Resident and Family Satisfaction Survey Pilot

Please express interest by April 19, 2024


Person-reported outcomes (PROs) are an important way for organizations, providers, and facilities to assess their success in meeting the person-centered needs of patients and residents under their care.  While some nursing home facilities are collecting CoreQ data as one of their quality measures, most residential care facilities are not. 

Maine DHHS Helps Maine Families Afford Costs of Keeping Kids Warm This Winter

Apr 4, 2024

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issued support this week to the families of nearly 8,500 Maine children to help them with expenses related to staying warm this winter. Eligible families received a $50 payment per child for clothing, boots, heat, electricity, and other costs of keepingchildren warm during the 2023–24 winter season.

Section 14, Advanced Practicing Registered Nursing (APRN) and Section 90, Physician Services: REVISED 2024 Anesthesiology Rates, CR 123809

In coordination with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) revision of rates effective March 9, 2024, MaineCare has updated the Anesthesiology conversion factors for Section 14, APRN Services and Section 90, Physician Services. New rates were implemented on April 3, 2024.

Section 30, Family Planning, REVISED 2024 Base Rates and Resulting Final Rates, CR 123812

In coordination with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) revision of rates effective March 9, 2024, MaineCare has updated the base rates and resulting final rates for certain Family Planning Services delivered by eligible providers. These new rates were implemented for billing on April 3, 2024.

Only providers engaged primarily in the delivery of sexual and reproductive health care services, as described in 42 United States Code, Section 1396d(a)(4)(c) are eligible to bill add-on rates. 

Training Opportunity Available for Section 19 Home and Community Based Services for Older and Disabled Adult Caregivers

The Office of Aging and Disability Services is excited to announce a virtual Mental Health First Aide training opportunity scheduled for Monday, June 3, 2024. This training is being provided under collaboration with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Maine and is available for caregivers providing care to Section 19 members. Caregivers can include personal support staff, attendants, home health aides, nurses or other natural and family supports.

Maine CDC Offers Tips for Staying Safe While Traveling

AUGUSTA– The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) is encouraging Maine residents to stay safe while enjoying spring traveling. Travel and vacations can promote physical and mental health. That said, with school and other spring vacations occurring amid recent outbreaks of dengue, measles, and hepatitis A in the U.S. and abroad, travelers should plan and take precautions to stay healthy.

The Maine CDC offers the following tips for safe and healthy travel this spring:

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