Technical Assistance

The purpose of providing technical assistance is to support school administrative units (SAUs) and schools with areas of challenge while also highlighting and sharing areas of excellence. Through collaborative partnerships, the Department and SAUs will work together to improve the opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and can do.  As a part of the technical assistance process, SAUs will continue to observe assessment administration conducted in schools through the utilization of an online observation tool provided by Maine DOE. SAUs will continue to follow the guidelines and requirements for assessment security and administration of the state assessments. 

On March 27, 2024, the US Department of Education (US ED) contacted the Maine DOE with important information about participation in state-required assessments. To view the communication, click here: Maine 2024 School Assessment Participation Rate Letter.

Request for Technical Assistance

All Maine SAUs are encouraged to reach out to the team if assessment technical assistance is needed, Please utilize the form linked above to submit a request. We are here to support!




Tier 2 Technical Assistance - New!


Tier 2 technical assistance is assigned based on a ten-year randomly selected cycle. SAUs identified for Tier 2 technical assistance are asked to complete the following steps:

  1. Review the Tier 2 Technical Assistance Training Slides (linked below)
  2. Schedule and conduct 1-2 local assessment administrations
  3. Complete the Observation Checklist Tool, utilizing notes from the assessment observation (linked below)

Each of these steps are outlined in greater detail in the Tier 2 Technical Assistance Training Slides 

During assessment administration windows, the Maine DOE Assessment Team conducts as many in-person visits to Maine schools as possible. The data collected on these visits is used for multiple purposes, including to inform the ongoing development of state assessments. Tier 2 technical assistance, which includes local observations conducted by District Assessment Coordinators, provide the opportunity to gather data from around the state on the assessment experiences of Maine students. 


Tier 2 Technical Assistance Training Slides (please view as slideshow with sound enabled)


Observation Checklist Tool