"X" - Based Learning

Rotating words that go before Based Learning

The "based learning" list continues to grow as new aspects of the world connect with education. Since there are so many variations, we will call it X-based learning.

Let's start with the definition of "X"-based learning.

X-based learning is an educational approach in which instruction is organized around a central concept, principle, or method for students to acquire knowledge and skills. This approach emphasizes hands-on activities and practical application, allowing learners to explore, investigate, and understand the subject in a deeper and more meaningful way.


Since the list of "X"-based learning is so large, we will focus on four specific approaches. Project, Place, Problem, and Play.

Focuses on students solving real-world problems or complex questions through projects.  
Focuses on the local community and environment.
Focuses on an open-ended problem that students must solve.
Focuses on student learning through play, encouraging creativity and natural exploration.
Each approach is different, but they all have the same goals:
Actively engaging students in learning
Connecting to the real world
Supporting the development of skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and creativity.
Driven by inquiry and exploration.
Flexible and based on student readiness.


Click here if you are interested in investigating other "X"-based learning models.

Object - Uses objects like artwork or artifacts to create student learning experiences.

Game - Uses games to enhance student learning

Park - Focuses on exploring and protecting National Parks. 

Land - Integrates teaching from Indigenous Knowledge Carriers to the traditional curriculum.

Design - Uses Design Thinking to create student learning experiences.

Service -  Connects with community partners to develop student learning experiences.

Work - Learning skills and knowledge in the workplace.