Competencies for 21st Century Learning

word map in brain shapeWhat are 21st Century Skills and Competencies?
Culture is changing rapidly for a variety of reasons. Technology is improving at lightening speed and humans are responding almost as quickly. What was extraordinary a decade ago is outdated now. 
In the modern workplace, striking a balance between collaboration and independence is an essential skill. Being nimble problem solvers and adapting strategies is highly valued by many employers. To prepare out students for life as responsible citizens of the world, we need to understand what are the foundations for analytical thinking, creative and practical problem solving, interdependent relationships, and effective communication. 
Exploring 21st Century Skills and Competencies
Career Exploration in Maine
Blended or Braided Learning Targets

Modern success requires a weaving together of expertise in several skill areas at once. A business owner must be an expert in the nature of the business and competent in marketing, accounting, personnel management, to name a few. Braided learning targets from across disciplines demonstrate the real-world application that we want students to experience. 

For one example of braiding, click here

Lesson Planning for the 21st Century 
Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration. The 4 Cs. 

Substitute, Augment, Modify, Redefine. The SAMR Scale