Essential Elements for Planning Interdisciplinary Instruction

hands with gearsInterdisciplinary Learning supports the whole-student approach so important to 21st century learning and work. The most effective models intentionally connect the disciplines with the learning blended to reflect the conceptual understandings. Analyzing and reviewing our systems of learning including curriculum design and instructional practices are critical elements of successful interdisciplinary learning.

Students most often acquire knowledge of single concepts during initial learning. They must then work to connect that single concept to other ideas to create a web among similar, dissimilar, and entirely new concepts. This is the path to learning that transfers. Maine DOE encourages the study of four essential pillars to support effective interdisciplinary learning.

footbridge in the woods leading to sunlight

Teaching for Learning Transfer

When students are engaged in learning deeply, they will retain what they learn and be able to apply it to new situations. Click here to learn more about intentionally teaching for learning transfer. 

floating key approaching lock

Equitable Grading: Leverage Learning

Successful implementation of effective interdisciplinary instruction requires a reflection on the history of grading and a rethinking of our current grading practices. Click here to get started on the equitable grading learning journey. 

drawing of Earth with rays reaching for the universe

Universal Design for Learning and Effective Learning Environments

more to follow

maze with clay figure entering

The PBLs: Place-, Problem-, and Project-Based Learning

much to think about. Click here for an explanation of the three major PBLs.