Standards & Instruction - Social Studies

As part of the scheduled periodic review of the Maine Learning Results, the Maine Department of Education completed a revision of the Social Studies component of the Maine Learning Results. See button below for the 2019 version of the Maine Learning Results for Social Studies. The 2007 version of the Maine Learning Results for Social Studies are available at the bottom of this web page.

Maine Learning Results for Social Studies - Revised 2019

The social studies standards include four content areas (Civics & Government, Personal Finance & Economics, Geography, History) with performance expectations that embed the application of social studies processes, knowledge, and skills. Each content strand breaks down the standard into performance expectations for each separate grade K-5 and grade bands for grades 6-8 and 9-Diploma. The standards also include an introduction with more information about the Guiding Principles and a section of key ideas in the social studies standards.

Local schools make decisions about the identification of resources that will support teachers and students in their learning and understanding in social studies. The Maine Department of Education offers materials on this page to assist schools in their local efforts.

Standards Revision Overview August 2019

Check out the introductory videos below to learn more about the standards

Revision Process
Overall Document
Changes to Elementary Framework
Guiding Principles & Introduction
The Embedding of Skills and Processes
Addition of Foundational & Developing Notations

Grade Level and Content Specific Versions of the Revised Social Studies Standards

Voices from the Standards Revision Writing Team

Strengthening the teaching of Maine Native Americans

During the revision process, effort was given to strengthen the teaching of Maine Native Americans. There is a Maine Department of Education resource page related to teaching about Maine Native Americans. You can learn more about the work that was done in the video below:

Emphasizing the role of Personal Finance

During the revision process, effort was given to emphasize the role of teaching Personal Finance. In order to support teachers and districts in teaching about Personal Finance, the Maine Department of Education in partnership with the Maine Jump$tart Coalition, has created a financial education resource, titled the Maine Financial Literacy Framework & Resource Guide. The Maine Department of Education also maintains a web page devoted to resources and organizations that support the teaching of financial literacy. You can learn more about the work that was done in the video below:

What to "Look For" in Quality Social Studies Instruction

Supporting Materials Specific to Social Studies