Emergency Care

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As the health professional in the school setting, the school nurse is an active participant in emergency and disaster planning, and in the development of policy and procedures. Schools must take a proactive approach, to better prepare all staff for unplanned circumstances. School nurses may refer to the compilation of resources below to assist in prioritizing needs, providing continuity of care, and promoting safety in school.  

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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Automated External Defibrillators (AED) & 
Emergency Action Planning for After-School Activities

Staff who are in a position to provide first-aid to students are recommended to complete an approved first-aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course. Maine Department of Education Rule Chapter 41 requires public schools to offer training to students on CPR and the use of AEDs.

Policies/procedures for a school AED should include: 

  • Location of AED(s) and related equipment 
  • Designation of who is responsible for the AED program and identification of the medical director 
  • Process, schedule, and checklist for inspecting and maintaining equipment and supplies 
  • Process of communication when AED is used 
  • Record keeping when AED is used 
  • Initial and periodic refresher training of staff 

Training Resources

Emergency Action Program
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Life-threatening Allergy

In accordance with Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 6305, subsection 8, the Maine Department of Education shall make available to all schools guidelines for the management of students with life-threatening allergies. The National Association of School Nurses Clinical Practice Guidelines for Students with Allergies and Risk for Anaphylaxis meet such requirements. A Life-threatening Allergy Protocol is required for all schools, and it must be available to the public on the school's website or publicly available through other means. 




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Opioid Overdose Reversal

As directed by the 130th Maine legislature, the Department provides these guidelines and resources for schools that choose to stock emergency medication for a suspected opioid overdose on school grounds. As directed by the 131st Maine Legislature, Public Law 2023, Chapter 460, all public schools are required to offer training to secondary students in the administration of naloxone hydrochloride in nasal spray form. 

Staff Training


Student Training




Other Resources




Emily Poland, MPH, RN, NCSN 
School Nurse Consultant
Coordinated School Health
Email: Emily.Poland@maine.gov